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PG Longer than Elephants

Monday, August 07, 2006

Homestudy, Part I

Last night a social worker, met with us for the first of four visits. She is scheduled to come on Mondays and Wednesdays for the next two weeks. She met with both of us for about an hour and a half, mostly just getting to know us and asking a few general questions. We had a lot of questions for her and she proved to be a very good source of information, as she has a lot of experience placing children with adoptive parents. She provided some great input on couples requesting twins as well. A lot of the topics discussed came straight from our autobiographies we each had to write. We went over our family backgrounds, our relationship with each other, and other things like how we plan to discipline our children. She gave us some hypothetical situations and asked how we would handle them. A lot of the discussion centered on limits and boundaries. We think the interview went extremely well. Tomorrow when she comes she will meet with Beth alone, then Monday with Glen alone, then on Wednesday we'll wrap up with another group meeting. The only thing that went "wrong" was that we didn't get a chance to show her around the house much. She just came on in and we sat down and got started. Tomorrow we'll be sure to give her the grand tour so we can show off all the hard work everyone has done helping us get our house in tip top shape. Thanks again Brian, Mimi, Emily, Julia, and Molly!!! We couldn't have done it without your help!


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